Things to do and see in Albania

There are many wonderful beaches from Vlora to Ksamil, including Dhërmi, Gjipe, Jal, Himara, Qeparo, Borsh, Lukova, and Pulebardha ones. Visitors interested in history might plan trips to the archeological site of Butrint, as well as the cities of Berat and Gjirokaster.
Walking on trails and discovering the most untamed nature is abundant from Shkodra, which is home to the largest lake on the Balkan peninsula, via Koman to Theth and Valbona.

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Co dělat a vidět v Albánii

Od Vlory po Ksamil je mnoho nádherných pláží, včetně Dhërmi, Gjipe, Jal, Himara, Qeparo, Borsh, Lukova a Pulebardha. Návštěvníci, kteří se zajímají o historii, si mohou naplánovat výlety do archeologického naleziště Butrint a také do měst Berat a Gjirokastra.
Procházky po stezkách a objevování té nejnezkrotnější přírody jsou bohaté od Shkodry, která je domovem největšího jezera na Balkánském poloostrově, přes Koman do Theth a Valbona. Včetně Curraj i Eperm…

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Aktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten in Albanien

Von Vlora bis Ksamil gibt es viele wunderschöne Strände, darunter Dhërmi, Gjipe, Jal, Himara, Qeparo, Borsh, Lukova und Pulebardha. Geschichtsinteressierte Besucher könnten Ausflüge zur archäologischen Stätte Butrint sowie in die Städte Berat und Gjirokastra planen.
Von Shkodra, der Heimat des größten Sees auf der Balkanhalbinsel, über Koman bis Theth und Valbona gibt es zahlreiche Wanderwege und die Entdeckung der wildesten Natur…

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Que faire et voir en Albanie

Il existe de nombreuses plages magnifiques de Vlora à Ksamil, notamment celles de Dhermi, Gjipe, Jal, Himara, Qeparo, Borsh, Lukova et Pulebardha. Les visiteurs intéressés par l’histoire peuvent planifier des excursions sur le site archéologique de Butrint, ainsi que dans les villes de Berat et Gjirokastra. Marcher sur les sentiers et découvrir la nature la plus sauvage sont abondants depuis Shkodra, qui abrite le plus grand lac de la péninsule balkanique, en passant par Koman jusqu’à Theth et Valbona.

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Shala River, “the Albanian Thailand” between the Alps

Shkodra, Valbona and Tirana are three destinations that are known as gateways to the Shala River. In each of these destinations, you’ll find a diverse selection of boat tours in the Valley, but Valbona also has a lot to offer on its own. Other highly recommended cities are the cities near the Albanian Alps, Shkodra, Bajram Curri and Valbona, or a little further south and Tirana. These cities have extraordinary views and many tourist attractions as you may have seen on television channels or tourist portals, tabloids or well-known guide books around the world…

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Subashi Olive Oil, the green gold on your table

The place where Subashi olive oil is produced is called Mal-Subash, the central and oldest neighborhood of Marikaj. The first residents settled in this neighborhood where the Subashi family has lived for years. Olive oil is an old tradition of this area, even according to the oldest member of Subashi’s family, who is also a historian of the area, there are historical documents that show that in the 17th-18th centuries from this area, (Marikaj-Preze-Ndroq- Tirana), the oil was exported to the Republic of Venice and Saint Mark. While during the Ottoman Empire, this area supplied olive oil to the Sultan’s family…

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ALBANICA WINE, one of the best Albanian Wine brands in the Country

Albanica wine is the unique produce of a historic terroir: hit by the Mediterranean breeze every evening and abundantly exposed to sunlight during the day, the slopes have an ideal loamy soil composition, a perfect mix of 30% sand, 50% silt and 20% clay, full of organic matter. It keeps the moisture and is nutrient rich, makes them ideal for cultivation Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot for growing highest quality wine…

ALBANICA WINE, one of the best Albanian Wine brands in the Country Read More